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  • Horoscope November 2019 – words by Gabi Lussi

  • A November of highs and lows for Aries. Jupiter and Venus in trine bring opportunities for starting new financial and property projects, as well as excellent possibilities for increasing income. Mars in opposition until the 19th, however, can slow down projects that are ready to be launched. Overall, the month will be more positive than negative. Your love life receives auspicious vibes from Jupiter and Venus. Couples can make future plans together, as well as share moments of peace and emotion. Discord between Mars and Saturn may cause disagreements; getting outside advice will bring back balance. High levels of energy, even if you are expending a lot. Maximum sex appeal.

    Couple / Paris Hilton and the Lady and the Tramp

    Fortune Cookie / He who does not take the risk of losing, has already lost.

    Gemstone / Carnelian Agate: Helps to face difficulties and focus your energy on achieving your goals. Promotes blood circulation.

  • The month starts off with some nervous tension due to slowdowns and obstacles created by Mercury in Scorpio. You may need to deal with unforeseen situations and the return of problems you thought were resolved. Deliveries may be late. Even with signed contracts, deadlines might not be met. Pluto and Saturn in positive aspect will help maintain peace, which will be fully restored by the end of the month. Relationships will undergo a period of uncertainty. Mercury in opposition will hinder communication, causing misunderstandings and drama. It will be hard to avoid stubbornness. There is a definite improvement by the month’s end. You will burning through your energy reserves. Try to find refuge in nature to mitigate anxiety and promote wellbeing.

    Couple / Mick Jagger and Beyoncé

    Fortune Cookie / Open your mind to new opportunities. Open your heart to new encounters.

    Gemstone / Amethyst: Promotes calm, tranquillity, clear-headedness, meditation, peaceful dreams and helps with headaches.

  • November skies bring huge opportunities for Gemini. Harmonious Mars provides a huge amount of inspiration and creativity for your work life. Try not to take on too many projects, or you may not be able to finish them all. With Jupiter and Venus in opposition, play close attention to finances. Your love life is also abuzz with excitement: Mars will be breathing life into new projects for couples. It is a great time to look for a new home together, take things to the next level, and go for something long-term and stable. For singles, you will be able to overcome shyness to get out and meet new suitors. All clear in terms of physical health and energy. Your sign often suffers from anxiety, but you will have no problems in this regard.

    Couple / Salvador Dalí and the Mona Lisa

    Fortune Cookie / Choose who you surround yourself with carefully. The right people will turn around every bad situation.

    Gemstone / Chrysocolla: Onyx. Builds confidence, wisdom, responsibility, self-control, logic and clarity.

  • With a plethora of planets on your side, November promises to be an extremely positive month. New opportunities will come your way thanks to Mars. You will be able to seize opportunities by shrewdly weighing the pros and cons of any situation, with the counsel of Saturn. Harmonious Mercury makes the entire month a great time to enter negotiations and sign contracts. Your relationships will also be of great quality. Mercury plays an important role all month, and communication is the key to turning things in your favour. While Mars may bring up feelings of anxiety, Mercury and Venus restore calm and balance. A great month for physical health. Sports will help you burn off stress.

    Couple / Dante and Beatrice

    Fortune Cookie / Choose the correct lenses to view the world.

    Gemstone / Tiger’s Eye: Reduces stress and tension. Protects against negativity and brings clarity of vision.

  • November will be a bit demanding due to some lingering, disharmonious planets. You will need to make an extra effort to achieve clarity, as you run the risk of misunderstandings due to the havoc caused by Mercury in opposition the entire month. Mars, however, will be favourable until the 20th, making this an auspicious period for work collaborations and finishing projects, which will get an added boost from Jupiter. Harmonious Mars and Jupiter bring passion to your love life. You will be able to look towards the future with enthusiasm and optimism, along with a renewed desire for fun and romance.

    Couple / Quentin Tarantino and Mia Wallace

    Fortune Cookie / Put on a smile, and you will conquer the world.

    Gemstone / Quartz Crystal: Brings clarity and wisdom. Heightens perception and strengthens your view point.

  • This is a very important moment Virgo. Thanks to harmonious vibes from Pluto, Saturn and Uranus, you are in a transitional phase in your career, between a period that has already ended and the birth of something new and truly worthwhile. You can finally reach financial objectives that you have been investing in for a long time. November is the doorway to an amazing future that is waiting for you. Things are bit uncertain in your love life. There is an aura of confusion, since you may be dedicating most of your energy to work. Things improve a great deal during the second half of the month. You will be in top shape and filled with energy. Taking some time for yourself will help recharge your batteries.

    Couple / Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot

    Fortune Cookie / The secret to success is believing that anything is possible.

    Gemstone / Malachite: Strong regenerative powers. Absorbs electromagnetic and negative environmental energies. Promotes change.

  • Enthusiasm and optimism are November’s key words. Jupiter and Venus are on your side, helping you increase communicative and creative expression. You can achieve your goals with the help of Jupiter. This is also an excellent time for investments. Don’t think these auspicious skies are going to simply drop things into your lap, because Saturn in quadrature is demanding commitment and consistency. Jupiter and Venus in sextile from Sagittarius will bring a huge dose of romance to your love life, while Mars in Libra until the 19th will give you the push needed to lay the groundwork for relationships right from the start. Physical health, energy and magnetism are at their peak.

    Couple / Pinocchio and the Fairy Godmother

    Fortune Cookie / Small efforts each day will create large changes over time.

    Gemstone / Snowflake Obsidian: Promotes accepting the here and now, along with being present in the moment. Useful when large amounts of concentration are needed. Anti-stress.

  • This is a constructive period for Scorpio. Pluto and Saturn are bringing about slow but steady change. While it may take a great deal of effort to achieve your goals, when you do, they will be everything you imagined. If you have undertaken several projects, you will get the answers you have been waiting for, slowly and gradually, due to Saturn’s influence. A bubbly period awaits you in love, filled with interesting new suitors and romantic dinners. While small talk and sparks abound, you may not be able to connect on a deeper level for something long-term. Excellent physical health. Jupiter may push you to indulge in all the wrong foods. Resist the temptation.

    Couple / Johnny Depp and Monica Bellucci

    Fortune Cookie / One person can change your life. Choose wisely.

    Gemstone / Smoky Quartz: Eliminates stress, fear, anxiety and panic attacks. Protects against electromagnetic fields.

  • November is filled with an abundance of energies. Between Jupiter in your sign and Mars in Libra, you will have the vim and vigour to go after your goals, especially if you have dealings in another city, nation or continent. You may face some bureaucratic or organisational slow downs due to Mercury in Scorpio, but nothing that will stop this super-favourable period. In regards to love, Venus and Jupiter in your sign, along with Mars in Libra, opens up a wide array of possibilities, for both couples and those seeking new partners. Passion, romance, or eros: it is yours for the choosing. Top health. Try to carve out time to travel.

    Couple / Ben Stiller and Jodie Foster

    Fortune Cookie / Every choice not made is still a choice.

    Gemstone / Haematite: Balances energy. Eliminates and roots out excess energy.

  • This is an extremely positive November for Capricorn. Many planets are in favourable aspect, allowing you to express yourself at work. If you have been investing all your time and resources in an entrepreneurial endeavour, things will get off the ground and bear fruit. Mercury in Scorpio all month favours communication and collaboration, as well as short or long-term projects. Your relationships could be fraught with anxiety and disagreements due to disharmonious Mars. Opinions that differ from the norm can cause passing misunderstandings. Things improve in the third week of the month. Dissonant Mars could be draining your energy levels, leaving you feeling stressed and tired until the 20th.

    Couple / Lauren Morelli and Samira Wiley

    Fortune Cookie / Do something you have never done before.

    Gemstone / Peridot: Purifies the body and mind. Assists in setting goals and following them through with determination and wisdom. Accelerates personal growth.

  • This month, once again, requires a bit of patience. For a while, you have been facing heavy transits, and these continue this month, with disharmonious Mercury and Uranus bringing confusion and misunderstandings. It will not be easy to find solutions in this overall atmosphere of discontent, but Mars and Jupiter will help you overcome this period by boosting your confidence and determination so a balance can be achieved. Things are more positive in your love life. Jupiter and Venus on your side are bringing a multitude of chance, casual romantic encounters and new passions that are free from the heavy ties of commitment, as well as beautiful evenings with friends. For those in a couple, anxiety could arise through the 20th. Excellent health. Jupiter and Venus are giving you magnetism and sex appeal.

    Couple / Marc Chagall and Bella Rosenfeld

    Fortune Cookie / Simplify and focus.

    Gemstone / Herkimer Diamond: Promotes happiness. Assists in long-distance contact; if both people possess this stone, it will create a very strong bond.

  • Calm seas for Pisces. Harmonious Mercury, Pluto and Saturn are pushing you to concretely plan your career independently and without fear. Everything is running smoothly. You may experience a slight setback due to a square from Jupiter, but, with the right approach, this aspect could also bring about new ideas and solutions. This may be a slightly unsatisfactory period in your love life. You may be facing uncertainty about the future or feelings of jealousy. Disharmonious Venus is bringing grey skies, but things shine brightly again towards the end of the month. Optimum physical health. Make sure to eat a healthy diet.

    Couple / Elisa Esposito and Amphibian Man from the film, “The Shape of Water”.

    Fortune Cookie / The best view is from a mountain top after a hard climb.

    Gemstone / Blue Kyanite: Helps overcome conflicts and misunderstandings. Assists in making firm decisions.